
Innovating Industries: How We Built Stamford Linen's 3D Visualizer


The world of linen delivery services is as fast-paced as the table turnover in the restaurants they serve. To make an impression here, standing out is key. That’s where PRI came in, teaming up with Stamford Linen to completely revamp their website and introduce an exciting way for customers to interact with their products digitally: a custom-built 3D Visualizer to design your perfect table.

This partnership aimed to improve how users experience the website and set new standards in the industry. With this strategic makeover, PRI helped Stamford Linen spotlight their strong commitment to customer care and their willingness to adopt new tech solutions.

I sat down with Senior Software Engineer on the project, Toni Medina, to dive deeper into the redesign process and learn more about the innovation that went into building this transformative digital tool.

Stamford Linen: Uniting Top-Notch Service with Advanced Technology

Stamford Linen has carved a niche in the industry by providing exceptional linen services primarily to the restaurant and hospitality sector. Known for their dedication to quality and customer service, Stamford Linen continually seeks innovative ways to enhance how their services are delivered and experienced. 

Always on the lookout for ways to better their service, the move to a more engaging, interactive, and modern digital platform was a chance to make their website as top-notch as their linens, offering customers a more interactive and insightful way to make their choices.

Elevating Stamford Linen’s Website

Ultimately, our project was all about transforming Stamford Linen’s online presence. The plan involved two major goals: revamp the old website to make it easier to use and add a new, innovative feature to improve the shopping experience. 

Toni Medina said, “We wanted to refresh how customers interact with Stamford’s products, making what used to be a standard process into something fun and engaging.” 

PRI deployed a full suite of digital services, including UX Strategy, SEO, UI Design, Content Creation, Engineering, and Project Management, to deliver a comprehensive solution that met all of Stamford Linen's needs.

A Closer Look at the 3D Visualizer Tool

The website redesign involved a few key components, but the biggest lift came in the form of the creation of the 3D Visualizer Tool known as the Table Designer. The 3D Visualizer developed by PRI stands out by offering visitors a dynamic and engaging way to view and choose linens. (2)
Customers can instantly preview how their restaurant linens will look with dozens of linen color combinations, and once they find the perfect fit, they can generate a custom quote based on their selections. "From the user's viewpoint, the 3D Visualizer facilitates an interactive experience allowing navigation within the tool. Users can modify visibility, color, and material types with changes instantly reflected," said Toni. 

The technology behind this feature includes React for the user interface and Three.js for rendering the three-dimensional environment, which together allow for instant updates.

Constructing and Integrating the Visualizer

Building the 3D Visualizer was an ambitious yet rewarding task. Starting with in-depth planning sessions with Stamford Linen, PRI ensured every detail aligned with their goals. Our UX Designer Cassie Barden focused on a friendly user interface, while the developers integrated lifelike 3D models. 

“Transforming and optimizing the 3D models for web use was crucial to deliver a smooth, real-time experience,” Toni shared. This tool was seamlessly woven into the new WordPress site, enhancing the overall user experience.

The Impact of the Tool

Stamford Linen’s new site, complete with the 3D Visualizer, has dramatically changed how customers interact with their products. “This tool not only draws more engagement but also helps customers make well-informed decisions quickly,” Toni pointed out. 

It has boosted how often users engage with the site and has played a significant role in increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty. Plus, it makes it easier for customers to envision different settings before buying, making sure what they order matches their expectations.

PRI's Innovative Edge

The overhaul of Stamford Linen’s website and the addition of the 3D Visualizer illustrate how effectively PRI combines creativity with technology, leading the way in digital transformations. 

“While there’s room for even more features, the final product showcases PRI’s commitment to breaking new ground in technology,” Toni reflected. 

Stamford Linen’s project is just one example of how PRI's innovative approaches are tailor-made to meet client needs, helping them not only meet but exceed market expectations. Whether it's through enhanced realism in digital visualization or creating user-friendly environments, PRI is equipped to propel your business into the future of digital engagement.

Are you looking for a team that understands and builds for your unique needs? Reach out to us today, and let’s build something incredible together.


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