Amanda Leighty
By Amanda Leighty |
IN Grow |

Speak and Be Heard: How to Make Your Social Media Posts More Accessible

Social media offers us a way to connect with others, but there are some common mistakes that can make it difficult for some audiences to do just that. Ensure your posts are accessible and create more connections with these practices.

Social media is available to nearly anyone with an enabled device, and each user represents an opportunity to connect. So, if your goal as an organization is to have a greater impact or increase your following, it’s important to make sure you’re reaching each person as effectively as possible.

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Nina Talley
By Nina Talley |
IN Our Team |

PRI Made the INC 5000 List!

When you’re one of America’s fastest-growing companies, you let the world know! PRI is proud to announce that we made the 2021 Inc. 5000 list!

When you’re one of America’s fastest-growing companies, you let the world know! PRI is proud to announce that we made the 2021 Inc. 5000 list!

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Marielle Lorentz
By Marielle Lorentz |
IN Design |

Tell Your Story With Data Visualization

Having dependable and compelling data is only half the battle. Use data visualization to make your findings shine and tell your story with data.

Picture this: Your organization does valuable work that positively impacts your community, but you’re finding it difficult to demonstrate that impact to potential supporters. Sound familiar? This struggle is all too common, but thankfully there is a solution — with data visualization, your organization can demonstrate its mission and impact in a concise yet powerful way. Read on to learn what data visualization is, how it can help your organization tell its story, and best practices for how to implement it.

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Amanda Leighty
By Amanda Leighty |
IN Grow, IN Strategy |

How to Write an RFP: The Tips and Template You Need to Create a Great Request for Proposal

Writing a Request for Proposal? Explore this list of helpful tips and best practices, and download our free RFP template to get started.

If you’re looking for a digital agency to help your business or nonprofit organization with an upcoming project — or if you’re seeking a partner for ongoing services like web development, graphic design, or marketing — you will likely need to create an RFP.

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